SAT Test Security
When you register to take the SAT (or SAT Subject Tests), you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and will comply with these policies.
- You must present acceptable photo identification for admission to the test center. You are responsible for understanding and following the SAT ID Requirements.
- Allowing someone to impersonate you to take a College Board test, or engaging in impersonation to take a test for someone else, is strictly prohibited.
- Your scores and your registration information, including the photo you provided, will be made available to your high school. In the event of an investigation involving the validity of your test scores, your photo may be made available to institutions to which you have sent your scores. Any college that is granted access to your photo will first be required to certify that you are an admitted student.
- Sharing of test questions or answers is prohibited at any time. Never give questions or answers to anyone or discuss them by any means (e.g., email, text message, exchange via the Internet, or any other form of communication). There is never any point in time at which you are allowed to discuss exam content unless it is released as part of a College Board service (such as the Question-and-Answer Service).
- The use of phones and certain other electronic devices is prohibited in SAT test centers. You are responsible for understanding and following the phone and electronic devices policy.
- Test materials are secured before, during, and after the test. You are prohibited from accessing secured test materials at any time before, during, or after the test. You are also prohibited from reading test materials without completing an answer sheet. If you leave your answer sheet blank, you are subject to dismissal.
- If you exit the building before testing ends, your scores will be canceled.
- While you are taking the test, you should not allow anyone to see the test questions or your answers—your test booklet and answer sheet should remain flat on your desk at all times.
- The timing of each test section is strictly scheduled. You cannot skip ahead or go back to a previous test or test section in the test book or answer sheet while taking either the SAT or SAT Subject Tests.
- If your essay does not reflect your original and individual work, your entire test score may be canceled.
- You may not consult textbooks, other people, electronic devices, or any other resources during the test or during breaks.
- Calculators may not be shared, and may only be on your desk during applicable mathematics test sections or tests.
- If you fail to comply with these policies, you may be dismissed from the test center, and your scores may be withheld or canceled. If you are dismissed from the test center prior to completing the test because of failure to comply with these policies, your test fees will not be refunded.
- Legal action may be taken against test-takers who violate applicable laws.